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Info Post

Title : 100 Cookbooks Pack
Author : -
No. Pages : -
Format : .pdf
License : RR
Topics : Cooking & Food
Retail Price : $_
Archive Format : .zip
File Size : 83 MB

Almond cookbook (300+ pages)
Apple Cookbook (1000+ pages)
Aspafagus cookbook (300+ pages)
bacon cookbook (1800+ pages)
Beef cookbook (900+ pages)
Bread cookbook (1500+ pages)
Cake cookbook (2400+ pages)
Cheese cookbook (1900+ pages)
Chicken coobook (3700+ pages)
Chocolate (1800+ pages)
Cookie (2100+ pages)
Dip (700+ pages)
Pie (2000+ pages)
Potato (1500+ pages)
Salad (2700+ pages)
Sauce (1400+ pages)
Soup (1700+ pages)
Whiskey (167 pages)
Zuccini (899 pages)

And many more cookbooks...

RR License Terms :

[YES] You may giveaway this ebook.
[YES] You may resell this ebook.
[YES] You may edit the squeeze/sales page.
[NO] You have Private Label Rigths.
[NO] You may sell or giveaway Private Label Rigths.
[NO] You may re-title or edit the contents.
[NO] You may pass Master Resell Rights to your customer
[NO] You may pass Resell Rights to your customer


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